Precision Genetics

Our Comprehensive Ranching Protocol for Consistently Superior Quality

The precision genetics protocol

With our industry knowledge over four generations, we’ve developed a protocol that leverages every genetic, nutritional, technological and phenotypic tool available to consistently produce top quality meat that the consumer wants to buy and buy again. Retailers know that consistent meat quality drives sales across their stores, and we know how to produce consistent quality. With every mating pair we plan and every interaction we have with the cattle on our land, we’re committed to building a program that is sustainable, animal-focused, and economically beneficial to the entire industry.

PLanned mating

We harness genetic and phenotypic data and DNA testing to build mating pairs that yield unrivaled carcass quality in our industry. We partner with Vytelle for OPU and synchronize estrus to strategically build the herd. Our harvesting and IVF protocols keep our cattle calm and comfortable through all procedures.

PRenatal Care

In addition to an extensive forestry initiative for shade and erosion control across our land, we provide micronutrient-infused salt licks and subcutaneous injections to support fetal development. We use Breedr - an icloud-based farm management software that links breeding and medical profiles to unique EID tags - to monitor maternal health, track pregnancy weight and build individualized care plans.


We immediately collect a DNA sample from each calf to build their unique health profile and track growth. We also carefully extend nutritional support for both mama and baby to prepare the cow for her next pregnancy and to harness the genetic potential of the calf.

ongoing Care

The biggest distinction of the Precision Genetics protocol is our intensity and commitment to the herd. Every interaction we have is as gentle, quiet and careful as possible to reduce adrenaline and cortisol - the greatest of disrupters meat quality.

Our cattlemen have eyes on every cow, calf and bull in our fields every day - watching the herd, refreshing water sources, and employing regenerative grass management practices. Every employee who interacts with the cattle is required to be Beef Quality Assurance Certified, and we have invested in a hydraulic squeeze chute called the Silencer to reduce noise and other agitators while working the cattle. We do everything we can to ensure every cow, calf and bull has its best day, every day.

learn more about the 808